Why are so many women being murdered?

  • strengthen the capacity of the prevention workforce strengthen the capacity of specialist family, domestic and sexual violence services
  • improve access to support services
  • better coordinate and integrate systems and services
  • deliver services in a culturally safe way
  • improve community attitudes and norms
  • advance gender equality
  • increase women’s feelings of community safety
  • ensure people have positive experiences when reporting experiences of violence to police and specialist services
  • ensure victim-survivors have more positive experiences with, and outcomes through the justice system, including family law
  • ensure men’s behaviour change programs and perpetrator interventions are effective”

8 thoughts on “Why are so many women being murdered?

  1. Thank you for applying your sensitivity, hard earned experience and systems/permie knowledge to this ‘wicked problem’. I hope those in a position to bring about change read, consider and act on these ideas.


  2. So glad I read this Meg. Everything you have proposed makes so much sense.

    I am assuming you have already submitted these sensible, practical,knowledgeable and heart felt recommendations to the decision makers who can actually make at least some come to pass.

    Thank you for putting them out there. It seems there is very little currently that will make a difference. These practical recommendations will lay the pathway to a changed Australian society.


  3. I do hope that you have sent copies of this excellent, well reasoned article to members of both State and Federal governments. We need strategies to deal with this violence, and as you say, we need more than meaningless statements. We need action. Your point about a universal income is excellent. Thank you.


  4. Meg,For some reason my comment on your excellent article has not appeared here. The crux of it was I am in I total agreement with travelwithgma and julietallbird. I have heard nothing on the media that comes anywhere near the commonsense practical recommendations you have proposed. I believe it is a matter of urgency that your article is sent to every decision maker for this area in all relevant levels of government. Everything I have heard so far regarding addressing this crisis smacks of same old same old. 

    Could you reassure us that your recommendations have been disseminated to the relevant people. Would it help if those of us who agree with what you have written can refer to it in emails to relevant ministers?

    Yours sincerely,



    1. Hi there, and sorry for the delay in responding. I’ve recently become a grandparent and it’s taking priority 😀

      Thank you so much for the lovely feedback.

      You are very welcome to send my work anywhere that you think it might make a difference. I’ve done my own dissemination, but I think having it come from as many different sources as possible is the best way to get it noticed. Share and share ❤


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